Chapter 23
On their honeymoon, Victor cannot rest. He leaves Elizabeth in their
bedroom and armed with a gun, prowls about the Inn looking for the monster.
The monster gains access to the bedroom and as she screams, Elizabeth is
Victor rushes to the room to find Elizabeth “lifeless and inanimate, thrown
across the bed, her head hanging down and her pale and distorted features half-covered by her hair.”
Victor vows that he will have his revenge, and sets off in search of the
Needless to say, throughout this chapter, a storm is raging about the Inn,
and we are aware of the strong ties between Victor and the monster.
He senses the demon’s presence and cannot rest. While he searches the
Inn, the monster murders Elizabeth. Whenever the monster is close to Victor he is aware of its presence.
When Victor brought the spark of life into the monster’s body, he also
created an invisible link between himself and the creature, so that their fates and lives would be intrinsically intertwined forever.
Victor’s first concern is to return to Geneva to protect what remains of his
family, but Alphonse dies shortly afterwards of a broken heart.
Shelley makes it abundantly clear that the link between Victor and the monster works both ways, for we
have seen that he was able to track Victor across Europe to the remote island off Scotland in the previous chapters.